Author archive for leonard slatkin

  • NOVEMBER 2022

    Finally, it was back to more-or-less regular music-making. Although one could still see signs of Covid with different restrictions in place at restaurants, in public gathering places, and in concert halls, everyone seemed happy to be back doing what they love.

    The first stop on a three-week tour was in Hannover, Germany. This northern city is home to my longtime agents in Europe, KD Schmid. Ever since I began conducting, they have overseen most aspects of my career in Europe. I was quite sure I had never conducted in the city where they are headquartered.

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  • OCTOBER 2022

    In the month after my brother’s passing, much of what I accomplished was colored with loss. Although I was always able to do what was asked of me, there were moments of heaviness when I became distracted by wonderful memories of Fred’s life. But carry on we must.

    For the second time, it was my privilege to conduct the final round of the International Violin Competition of Indianapolis. Under the expert leadership of Glen Kwok and chairman Jaime Laredo, this has become the most prestigious of all the violin contests in the United States. It attracts competitors from around the world, with six players advancing to the last round.

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  • International Violin Competition Finalists to Play with Slatkin and Indianapolis Symphony

    September 20, 2022

    After eight days of competition, six musicians have advanced to the final round of the International Violin Competition of Indianapolis. Each violinist will perform a concerto with the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Maestro Leonard Slatkin.

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  • Slatkin Hosts Documentary about Classical Music Critic Sarah Bryan Miller

    September 15, 2022

    Sarah Bryan Miller, who served for more than 20 years as the classical music critic for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, is the subject of a new documentary, The Places Music Has Taken Me: An Unfinished Story of Sarah Bryan Miller. Known as “Bryan” to friends, family, and colleagues, Miller died of cancer in 2020.

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  • Frederick Zlotkin, 1947-2022

    September 2, 2022

    With a heavy heart, Leonard Slatkin announces the death of his brother, Frederick Zlotkin, a wonderful father, musician, and friend. Fred served as principal cellist of the New York City Ballet Orchestra for more than 45 years. Recipient of numerous awards, he was a prolific chamber musician, studio player, and recording artist.

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  • Frederick Zlotkin, 1947-2022

    My brother, Fred, did not know that I was writing a chapter about him for inclusion in a future book, recounting events from many years ago. I meant for this to be a surprise, possibly not sharing it with him until publication.

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  • SEPTEMBER 2022

    As planned, August was a relatively quiet month for music-making. In fact, my only scheduled appearance was in Chicago, where I helped celebrate the 50th anniversary of the National Flute Association at their annual convention. In addition to conducting five works for various flutes and orchestra at Symphony Center, I also gave the conference’s keynote address.

    Who doesn’t like the flute? No one, according to the attendees of various recitals, masterclasses, ensemble performances, and other activities related to the instrument. Even though I did not participate in the full range of flute events available, by the time we played the last notes of the concert, I was longing for a contrabassoon.

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  • AUGUST 2022

    Quite some time ago, I planned for this summer to be one of peace and quiet, with very little conducting and a lot of time to focus on other projects. For the most part, this is working out well.

    On the book front, I have nearly completed a fourth volume of my writings. Primarily a memoir, Words Without Songs fills in some major gaps in what I have written previously about my life, with lengthy chapters about my father and mother as well as one about my brother. Because so many people have asked about my family’s relationship to Frank Sinatra, there is also a chapter devoted to “The Voice.” In addition, I recount various pranks my cohorts and I used to pull, some of them quite outrageous.

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  • Slatkin to Conduct New York Philharmonic at Bravo! Vail Music Festival

    July 11, 2022

    Slatkin will conduct two programs with the New York Philharmonic at Bravo! Vail. The first features Tchaikovsky’s Symphony No. 5 and cellist Zlatomir Fung performing Tchaikovsky’s Rococo Variations. The second is a Sondheim celebration with soloists Isabel Leonard and Emmett O’Hanlon.

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  • JULY 2022

    For a complete change of pace, I decided to take most of the summer off, starting in June and going through mid-September. I agreed to participate in a couple isolated events, but they are not with the usual suspects. One of them occurred in early June.

    I was sitting around, working on the two books—yes, I have almost finished one and started another—when an interesting proposal popped up on my computer screen. To comprehend what it really meant, you must understand that the cultural history of Missouri is quite complicated. We are only 300 miles south of Chicago, but Memphis is just down river. Are we considered part of the South or the North?

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