On Rehearsing

On Rehearsing
July 6, 2020 leonard slatkin

A long time ago, in a galaxy far away, the method used by conductors to prepare the orchestra was simple. You just asked or yelled for what you wanted and that was that. Autocracy ruled the day, although there were some on the podium who were nice guys. In today’s world, authoritarianism is simply not permitted. You can get fired for it.

I always tried to imagine that my own role was the same as the members of the ensemble, at least in terms of how I wished to be treated. Still, someone has to determine how any given piece should go, regardless of what the orchestra members, either individually or collectively, think. It is possible that we have lost something in the process of turning the orchestra into a more democratic institution.

What do you think? How would your ideal orchestral rehearsal go? Please write as you wish.